The Leeds College of Technology
Christian Union

Hi there and thanks for having a look to see who we are!

The three big 'W's........www.......stand for:

1. Where and when and what for do we meet
2. What do we get up to
3. Who we are

And furthermore:

4. Cool links to other Christian Websites
5. What is it all about?
6. What does it take to be a Christian?
7. How to get in touch with us!

And Last not Least:

The LCT CU Newsflash: keep you up to date with CU Activities!

1. Where and when and what for do we meet?


Thursdays, 2:15pm every week


The 'prayer room' at the main LCT site at Cookrdige Street!

What for:

We just meet up for some Christian fellowship and we meet to pray
for issues which arise!
And just get together for a why not join us?

2. What do we get up to?

Apart from just getting together having a good time talking about our faith we plan activities like organising a trip to a Christian Rock Concert, looking at Bible Software, checking cool websites, and lot's of other things.

3. Who are we?

So far we are two members of Staff and two students:

Michael..........> Mechanical Engineering student at Westland Road
Martin...........> Member of Staff based at the Cookridge Street Site
Yoni.............> Computer Technology Student, Cookridge Street
Michael..........> Lecturer for Computing and Engineering, Cookridge Street

Click on each link to read a little introduction about ourselves!

4. Cool Links to other Christian Websites:

CU Websites:

Leeds Churches Websites:

Other Websites:
Harvest Church

Christian Radio Stations:




5. What is it all about?

Read more about what it is all about by comments written by us!

6. What does it take to be a Christian?

Obviously the Christian Union is all about being a Christian. Read comments about what it means to be a Christian written by our CU members!

7. How to get in touch with us?

Either just turn up for one of our meetings on Thursday or just talk to us as you meet us at the college.
Or write to us at:


On 9th. July we are organising a trip to Devon to the Crossrhythms Festival!
Talk to us!